Benefit Advisors

The Ultimate First-Dollar, Employer Cost-Containment Program

Health Matching Account Services is ushering in a new era of employer cost-containment for both self-funded and fully-insured groups with the advent of its Health Matching Account (HMRA® and HMA®) Programs for employers and families. Come find out what the excitement is all about and why the HMRA® and HMA® have arrived at the perfect time for brokers and general agencies to help employers and employees to combat their annual, medical cost increases.

Retain Your Clients For The Long Term

With its unsurpassed benefits and incentives, Health Matching Reimbursement Accounts (HMRA® for employers and the HMA® Medical Benefits Account for individuals and families) work well in tandem integrated for both your fully-insured and self-funded clients. The HMA® and HMRA® programs will not only lower your client’s health care costs, but in addition, your clients will also be able to take those savings and allocate them towards other financial products with you.

The Health Matching Reimbursement Account programs are not insurance and serves as a phenomenal, cost-containment tool for employers and employees to build more medical reserves and a larger medical savings account to cover future health claim costs. The HMRA® program provides the ideal funding mechanism to sponsor an employer’s HRA, HSA or wellness incentive programs. In addition, the HMA® Medical Benefits Account, which is the voluntary benefits version of a Health Matching Reimbursement Account, is a medical savings account that grows much larger than an HSA and is portable with the employee if they leave their employer. The Health Matching Account programs can be customized for each employer group, individual or family to provide them with the flexibility and affordability to meet their specific objectives and save money on their health care costs.

Health Matching Accounts are also the ultimate alternative to any Gap or Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP) and can serve as a helpful incentive to ease groups from fully-insured to self-insured plan designs. The growth in medical reserves from the HMA® and HMRA® products will encourage your clients to commit to the Health Matching Account program and their benefit advisor who offers it to them.

Grow Your Existing Business

Brokers and General Agencies should feel empowered by promoting the Health Matching Reimbursement Account programs to their clients. Not only can the HMRA® and HMA® save employers and employees alike on their bottom-line, medical expenses, but by funding these medical benefit accounts, they will also be solidifying their future by building more medical reserves to cover their future health care expense liabilities.

The medical benefits contained within the HMRA® and HMA® account balances simply continue to accrue with each passing contribution into the program. This allows the employer and their employees the ability to pre-fund the most expensive piece of their medical claims risk exposure, which will result in significant, annual reductions to their overall, health care spending.

Stay up-to-date with the best, first-dollar, medical benefit account programs to ever enter the group and voluntary benefits markets. Health Matching Accounts are the ultimate tool for brokers and general agencies to build better relationships with their current network of agents and clients.

No Disruption To Group Plan Design and Fully Customizable

HMA® Services is aligning with some of the largest employee benefit advisors, agencies and third-party administrators in the country, who are implementing the Health Matching Account product platform for their clients.

The Health Matching Account Services proprietary, Helix™ administrative software will already be incorporated into the claims adjudication system of the employers’ administrators in order to automatically adjudicate members’ claims and provide tax-free reimbursements to the employer utilizing the HMRA® benefit program. The HMRA® is fully HIPAA compliant and creates no disruption to any group’s existing plan design or network coverage expectations. The HMRA® also does not require a change in stop-loss providers, and the HMRA® benefits will be covered in the employer’s Administrative Services Only (ASO) agreement.

In becoming our partner, brokers and agencies will quickly develop a leg up on their competition by offering a revolutionary, medical savings account program for both employers and employees. The HMRA® and HMA® Programs are the tickets for brokers and General Agencies to grow their business and expand their reach more than they could have ever imagined.


The HMA® is not health insurance.